The "Proof Experience" Through the Eyes of an Intern

On my first day at Proof Experiences (PX), I had no idea what was to come. Interning at an agency came with so many unknowns. I had so many burning questions like: What projects would I get to work on? For which clients? Would I get to go on-site? After 9 months as a Marketing Intern, I can confidently say that I’ve had the full “Proof Experience.” From running around downtown Toronto hunting down s’mores kits to presenting to boardroom full of potential clients – I’ve experienced it all.
Here’s what I learned:
Living Proof
“At PX, I wasn’t ‘just an intern’ I was given the chance to learn by doing.”
The Culture
The community at Proof Experiences is unlike any company I’ve worked at before. Regular company-wide events like Thirsty Thursday and Pancake Breakfast created opportunities for employees to connect with people who they may not have interacted with on a regular basis. As a result of these events, some of my closest coworkers are ones that aren’t even on my team – they’re people I’ve met at social events. This really embodies PX’s “People-First” commitment, not only to their clients and partners, but to each other. Being in this work environment taught me that building meaningful connections is the what drives success in a business – both internally and externally.
The People
Often, interns are seen as the bottom of food chain. However, working at Proof I experienced what it was like to be treated as an equal. My manager, SVP Growth & Innovation, made time in his busy schedule every single week to have a 1-on-1 touchpoint with me. When I asked our President to a coffee chat – she responded 11 minutes later with, “I would love this!” In the lunchroom, there was no intern’s table. We all sat and ate together. Directors, Senior Managers, and Interns alike. Every Proofer, no matter what level, was always willing to chat, provide advice, or provide a helping hand. The incredibly supportive people I worked with made working at PX so special. From this, I learned that the people you work with are arguably the most important part of enjoying your job.
The Work
My favourite part about working in the experiential marketing industry is that I get to see my ideas come to life from proposal to implementation. During my internship, I got to work through the RFP process, pitch ideas live to a potential client, won (and lost) business, and watched dozens of events come to life. We’ve all had internships where the work you’ve been given isn’t what you wanted, or there’s not work assigned to you at all. At PX, I wasn’t “just an intern,” I was given the chance to learn by doing. Although I was given these opportunities, many of the most exciting projects I worked on were a result of me asking to take on more work. This taught me that people around you are always willing to help you reach your goals and give you more responsibility. As scary as it may seem, all you have to do is ask.
Ultimately, what I’ve learned during my time at PX is your internship is what you make it. If you want to get closer to your coworkers, go to those weekly socials. If you want to learn more about someone in senior management’s path in the industry, book that coffee chat. If you aren’t given the work that you want, raise your hand. Gaining the confidence to shape my own internship experience was what gave me the most valuable learnings during my time at PX. The true “Proof Experience” is one that is multi-faceted, fast-paced, and undefined – because your internship experience is what you make it.

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