New World, New Skills

A girl sitting at a desk beside an window with a notepad, laptop, and phone

New World, New Skills Bibianna PoonMay 26, 2020 At a recent all-staff meeting, our team got a virtual training session from Keystone Communications expert, Giles Atkinson. We were told to bring our ‘best presentation’ selves while we sipped our beverage of choice and shared best practices on presenting in this new world we’ve been thrown […]

COVID-19 Pulse Check: Are Virtual Teams Clicking Together?

A woman sitting in front of a laptop

COVID-19 Pulse Check: Are Virtual Teams Clicking Together? Natalia SmalyukMay 15, 2020 A GUEST CONTRIBUTION FROM PROOF INC. Thanks to COVID-19, many organizations are now virtual teams working from home, and internal communication is more critical than ever. It’s also more difficult. Proof’s employee communications experts met recently (and remotely!) to discuss some common employee […]

Event Marketing in Turbulent Times

Two men in a virtual meeting

Event Marketing in Turbulent Times Lorne CooperbergMay 5, 2020 For weeks, we have helped our clients shift their events online, so it only made sense that last week we hosted our own virtual event: Event Marketing in Turbulent Times.  With so much industry information inundating us during the COVID-19 crisis, we wanted to provide meaningful […]